About Us

At Empty Nest Nation we understand the desire to make the most of the next chapter of your life! 

We have created an online magazine that explores the important issues we are all facing.  Through investigative research, consulting with leading experts, and sharing experiences Empty Nest Nation brings you the accurate, up-to-date information you need to thrive.  We have you covered and feel confident that you will find Empty Nest Nation an invaluable resource as you resolve to evolve.     

If you are concerned about the following:

I have no idea what to do with my life—how do I even begin?

I am feeling lonely— will I ever feel happy again?

I am scared about the changes that midlife brings including the physical and emotional changes of perimenopause and menopause— will I be ok?

Will I become irrelevant or invisible to everyone — including my own children?

Will I even survive the empty nest? — I can’t ever imagine thriving!

We hear you! You are not alone!

The empty nest often brings the perfect storm of emotions that big transitions entail!  Unlike other transitions you have experienced such as getting married, or becoming a mother, this one does not have a single date that marks its beginning.  While it may start when your youngest child leaves for college, it is a process that emerges. 

Children will return for vacations and summers, and even in growing numbers to live with you after college.  The true empty nest occurs over several years and perhaps longer.  However, there is something undeniable about bringing the youngest to college, or having them move out to pursue a career, that begins a new stage a life. 

Women experience the empty nest with a wide range of emotional reactions.  Some have been waiting with excitement, while others are flooded with dread.  Many will be filled with mixed feelings.  The changes we experience as empty nesters and midlife women run deep.

Each of us have individual challenges, goals, and experiences. Empty Nest Nation is an online magazine that explores the topics you are interested in learning more about.  We would love to hear your suggestions and hear about your experiences so please feel free to contact us. 

Here are some topics that we will explore on an ongoing basis:

Relationships are changing and we are here to help you navigate everything that entails!

Romantic partners:  Whether you are married, single, divorced, or widowed this chapter brings wonderful opportunities to connect, reconnect, and grow.

Parenting:  This role is for life!  However, parenting children that are now young adults, will bring its own set of challenges and a new learning curve.  We will explore issues that include the college years and beyond.  Becoming an in-law and even a grandparent are new roles you will be learning about.

Aging Parents:  Many of you will face a whole new set of issues relating to your aging parents.  Learn how to effectively take on some of the new roles and responsibilities that you may be faced with.

Friends:  Friends are important as we face the empty nest, yet many of you may find yourselves without the support you crave.  We will offer suggestions about strengthening friendships and forging new ones.

You may be looking for purpose to bring new meaning to the next chapter!

The empty nest is the perfect time to reevaluate your purpose. 

Careers: Some of you are stay at home mom’s looking to embark on a new venture or reenter the workforce.  Some of you have had a long fulfilling career, or a job you never loved, and are now looking for a change.  The empty nest in the perfect time to rethink what you want from the work portion of your life.  We will help you explore and hone your ideas and give you the tools to bring these from dreams to realities. 

Giving Back: Many women find the idea of giving back, central to there life’s goals.  We will offer inspiration from women that are doing incredible things in the next stage of life.

Passions: Passions can come from all sorts of places, and often it is in the empty nest that we rediscover long lost ones, and discover brand new ones.  The empty nest gives women more time to develop these and see where they may lead.

Suggestions for making the most of your lifestyle:

Health:  Staying healthy has never been more important.  We want to give you the information you need to make the most of this chapter.  We will cover topics that include physical health, mental health, and sexual health.

Travel:   Now that you have some more time on your hands, travel may become a priority.  We are excited to share ideas, tips, destinations, and inspiration for your upcoming journeys.

Tech:  Technology has never been more important in our society.  We will keep you up on the latest trends and offer how to information to make the most of technology.

Finance:  Empty Nest Nation knows that empty nesters are interested in all kinds of information about money!  How to save, how to budget, how to spend, the list is endless.  Additionally we will cover estate planning and investing.

Trends, News, Shopping:  Stay informed! Keep up to date about the latest finds and trends that will help you make the most of the empty nest.

Welcome to Empty Nest Nation!

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